I’m an entrepreneur, coach, and speaker dedicated to helping you build a business you love by examining the thoughts that keep you stuck.

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Hi, I'm Jason

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When I Was On The Brink Of Failure...

with my first business, a mentor shared with me a simple but profound principle: your current reality is determined by your actions, your actions are determined by your thoughts, and your thoughts are determined by your beliefs. 





Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of believing that the key to success lies in taking more action. However, the argument for ‘more hustle + more strategy + more tactics = better results’ is simply not sustainable.   

Consider a client of mine who wants to raise her prices. At first, it might appear to be a straightforward solution: adjust her pricing structure and shift her positioning. But even with a clear plan in place, she finds herself unable to more forward. Why is this? This is because … 

The Only Difference Between Where You Are And Where You Want To Be Is How You See Your Obstacles.

“... many of us are unaware of how much our identity shapes our choices.”

By starting with a simple question - ‘What kind of person would you become if you were to raise your prices?’ - and hearing her respond with ‘I’d be seen as greedy and inaccessible,’ we can begin to understand the root of her resistance. Without a shift in her belief system, no amount of strategy or tactics will motivate my client to raise her prices. 

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How to build your 6 & 7-figure coaching business without depending on social.